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Video: How to Get Involved in Georgia’s Growing Film Industry

So you want to become a star? Or do you just want to get involved in any part of the film industry? The chances are growing in Georgia, with even more opportunities on the horizon. 

Georgia has become an epicenter of the film industry with over 3000 film and television projects being filmed in the state in the past ten years. According to a press release from the Georgia Department of Economic Development, in the 2021 fiscal year alone, the state set a new record of $4 billion in direct spending on production. 

The growth in the industry is leading to more job opportunities for Georgians with more than half of the twenty fastest-growing occupations through 2028 in the state being healthcare or film-related, according to the Georgia Department of Labor’s Workforce Statistics and Economic Research (WS&ER) Division

Taylor says that when looking at Athens, her company, Casting TaylorMade, sees an opportunity to hire and that it is just a matter of one figuring it out, especially when it comes to gas or lodging when making the commitment. 

Beaudreau says that because of COVID-19, the industry has gotten even more chaotic and while it has gotten harder for people who live far away, it is easier for people who only have to travel a little, like from Athens, since auditions are self-tape and it is not too far of a drive. 

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